Please use this resource page as a client guide. The Newby Law Office uses the most up-to-date resources to provide you with affordable and quality legal representation. This page will provide you with resources to navigate and to understand these tools.

*Note: If you are not a client, then use the Contact Us page to schedule a consultation.

Clio Client Portal

The Newby Law Office, LLC uses Clio's secure client portal, known as Clio Client Portal. This client portal allows you to securely share documents and communicate with the attorney. The button below will help you set up your account, learn how to use the Clio Client Portal, and allow you to login to your account. Also, there will be video to help guide you through the portal. While you can use the Client Portal on your desktop, there is also an app for your mobile devices. Search “Clio for Clients” in your App store. If you still need access to the portal, please email jnewby@newby-law.com.

How to Pay a Retainer

Clients often know of retainers. You might have heard about retainers on T.V. or in the movies. So, what is a retainer? Simply put, a retainer is a sum of money that the client places into a trust account with the attorney before the attorney has begun work for the client. The attorney then deducts their bill from the trust account instead of waiting for you to pay the bi-weekly bill. You can learn more about your retainer HERE.

When you first sign up with The Newby Law Office you received an email about paying a trust request. The initial trust request amount will be discussed in your engagement letter. You will need to pay the trust before the attorney begins work on your case. Further, it is likely that you will need to refill your trust account. Your bi-weekly statement will let you know the balance of your trust account. (You can always request the attorney to notify you of the trust account balance at any time). You can always put more than requested into your trust account.

To place money for a retainer into your client trust account, please use the link provided by the attorney via email or use the button below.

Schedule a Client Meeting

Client meetings are a great way to get case updates, inform the attorney of new developments, or to have any general discussions. Attorney Joel Newby allows you to schedule your own client meetings. This allows you to schedule a meeting when you are available and on your own time. Just use the button below to schedule your client meeting.

Communication with the Attorney

The goal of this section is to give you an information on how to best contact the attorney to get the the answer you want. When you call the Newby Law Office, you will never get a secretary. You will be calling the attorney directly. You may get a voicemail if the attorney is in court or in a meeting. The best method to communicate with the attorney is via email at jnewby@newby-law.com.

The second best way is to schedule a phone call or an in person meeting. The attorney will answer your calls or texts if he can, but you risk him not answering or not being near a computer/documents to get your full answer. Use the link below to schedule a call, zoom, or in person meeting with the attorney.

How to Save On Your Bill

The Newby Law Office attempts to provide you with affordable legal representation. But still, legal bills can be expensive. Here are a few tips to help you keep your legal bills down.

  • Remember, phone calls and emails are billable. You can limit them by scheduling a regular client meeting to ask all your questions at once instead of multiple emails or phone calls.

  • Upload pictures, documents, etc. in Clio instead of emailing them to the Attorney.

  • Be on time to meetings, court hearings, etc.

These are just a few tips. If costs are an issue, then discuss costs with the attorney. Remember, your understanding of your case is the most important part of your case so please ask questions.